Thursday, December 30, 2010

So it has been a while since I have been on here to blog but that is due to the crazy life of being a mommy! It is still weird for me to say that...mommy. I think back to last year at this time and how I was just getting ready to spend New Years Eve with my friends and how we were a happy little bunch all living under the one roof on central. I never thought that in less then a year I would be a mommy and have a tun of new things to worry about.
I look back to the year of 2010 and all I can think about is how fast it went by! There were so many things I wanted to do but didn't get to. Now Idk if I will get to and at this point I could care less. My daughter is my world and I think of nothing more each day. She is getting so big and doing so much that I just want her to slow down a little. She is already trying to sit up by herself and she loves nothing more then to stand on my belly (with me holding her of course!) She is eating so much more and now that they got her on some meds her reflux is doing so much better! She is so much happier these days.
Our first Christmas as a family was pretty good. Keira really got alot of presents and even though she really didn't understand what was going on she was happy for the most part. She isn't a real big fan of pass the baby but she did get passed around more then she wanted to be. this did start to make her a bit of a grump. Mommy rushed in and saved the day and lied to say it was time to eat lol.
I can't wait for the new year and the new life I am building with my family! I am very excited for the milestones that we will come to and pass and all the new and exciting things to come!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Keira Elaine Sukup

Well as I'm sure you know we had our little baby girl last saturday October 23rd at 1:08 am. She weighted 9lbs 5oz and was 21.5 inches long. The labor was actually not that bad. I had a few blood pressure issues along with my blood sugars were all crazy, but after 10 hrs of labor out baby girl was here! We staid in the hospital until tuesday and then we got to come home. Being home was great until the night came. Being home alone at night with out Ryan is emotionally hard. I spent some time crying and and feeling as though I wasn't going to be able to handle it, but in the end the night went on just fine and I made it through. The nights got easier other then the breast feeding, now that has been a work in process. Its been a week now and today has been a great day and we have had the best feeding day since she was born. I hope it is all down hill from here! I will keep you updated but she is amazing and beautiful and we could not have asked for more! She is healthy and the best baby ever! We are very proud.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Birth Story!

Well I went to the doctor on Wednesday and had high protein and was a little high weight gain. Doctor said he wanted to t have me come back on Friday to re check me. Well I woke up Friday morning and headed to the doctor. When I got checked out I had gained 10lbs of water weight in 2 days and was 3+ proteins again and this time my bp was a bit high. Doctor told me that there was no reason to keep this baby in any longer due to my Diabetes and the chance for high blood pressure. I headed to the hospital around 3pm and was set for induction. The doctor checked me and I was 3cm and 80% so she broke my water. Contractions started and they hung the pit. I was doing really good for about the first 6hrs of labor but then as I hit transition things started to go south. As I had a contraction my bp would sky rocket to 190/101. My blood sugars were also dropping and we had lost babies heart rate due to the internal monitor falling out. I made the diction that it was time for the epi even though I didn’t want it. It was in the best intrust for me and baby. Well after that everything went smooth my bp was down and blood sugars was up and around 12:15am I was 10cm and ready to push. I started pushing and after about 45 min the doctor showed up. We got all down to business and at 1:08am our little (not so little) baby girl was born. She rocked the APGAR with 9’s both times. She is so beautiful and I am in so much LOVE!!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

7 Days

Well here we are...only 7 days away and our lil girl will be here! I can't wait. We are almost ready only have a few things to buy at the store and we will be set! The plan is to leave Kearney around 5 am monday morning! We have to be at the hospital around 6 to get everything going. I have thought about maybe going to Hastings Sunday night and getting a room so we don't have to get up and drive an hr at such an early time seeing how we both are night owls. I am hoping that everything goes smoothly and that I am ready for this. I really am wanting to not have the epi so we shal see! If I get my way everything will be taken slowly and I will not be rushed through this labor for no good reason! I have a few worries about how my blood sugars are going to react but I keep trying to tell myself that the doctors know what they are doing. Trust me though I am not going to sit by and just let them push me hard and fast to make this baby come out of me! As for after she is born I am super excited because my grandma Joan is going to come stay with us for about 2 weeks (i think) that is if she can put up with us and the dogs that long. Any way I will try and send pictures via text as soon as I can and I plan to have my laptop so I will post them on here too! Keep us in your prayers I still would rather go into labor on my own w/o all the drugs... hints all the walking and such that i have been doing the past few weeks! But alas she will come how she was mint to come! <3

Friday, October 15, 2010

Well the past 9 months have gone by so fast that I can hardly believe that our new lil baby girl will be here in less then 10 days!!! I have enjoyed every (ok not every) aspect of being pregnant. It has really been an experience of a lifetime. Idk that Ryan has enjoyed it near as much as me seeing how he had to put up with me lol. He is great though and has really been the best support I could ask for, and he is going to be a great daddy!

Well I guess I could fill you all in on what has been going on in our lives over the past year. I am doing this blog to keep everyone up to date on stuff, because I know it is hard to call or e-mail or just communicate in general these days with everyone busy lives.

We are still living here in Kearney and Ryan is till working the night shift at Apple Market. I really wish he would get off of the night shift especially now that our lil girl is going to be here soon. He is really looking forward to her being here and I know he is excited about being a daddy. As for me, I have started back to school this fall with a major in Early Childhood Education. All my classes have been going well. I have also started taking an H&R Block Tax class 2 days a week with the hopes of working for them this next tax season. As for being pregnant like I said earlier I have loved this experience, but can't wait for our lil girl to be here.

Baby Keira is growing and doing well. She has been keeping me on my toes already and she isn't even here yet lol. I have been making 2 trips to Grand Island a week to see the doctor and he says she is doing wonderfully. She is weighing around 8lbs 6oz (+/- about a pound). We are planning on inducing on October 25th at 6am, so she should be here anytime on the 25th. That is unless she makes up her mind to come early! I am more then ready with my bags packed and everyone I need on speed dial. Ryan on the other hand well...he needs to get ready lol but that’s just a man for you waiting till the last min to pack his bag. We will be delivering in Hastings at Marry Lanning Memorial Hospital due to my doctor only delivering there. I will be sure to post lots of pictures and keep everyone updated.

Well I hope you have enjoyed the first of many blogs to come. Our little family is about to be here and we are excited to share it with you.